
Friday, May 7, 2010

Dancer's Vegan Diet

Dancers need a healthy diet full of protein, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Being a vegan has helped me change my diet to help me feel healthy and trim up. Eating a diet high is meat and dairy can be very fattening and cause you to gain unwanted fat. I cut all meat products and dairy and switched to all organic vegan foods and yes that means no butter!!! I started to have a protein shake every morning with hemp milk, steamed vegetables, beans and rice, salads, nuts of all kind (no salt!), hummus and tabouli! I started to eat foods I would not have normally chosen to eat but, began to crave them just as you would chocolate! I was an occasional drinker, but I cut alcohol from my diet compeletly since they are empty calories.

As I changed my diet, I changed physically and mentally. I began to look at food as something to nourish my body with versus the pleasure of indulging. This mentality alone has been worth every trip to the health food store and every sacrifice made. Soon after these changes were made, I began to drop the weight and finally reach my goal physic as a dancer. To be in the best shape I can of coarse but caring about what I put in my body is the most rewarding.

I know that becoming vegan is extreme for some people. The majority of Americans eat meat and have dairy on a regular basis. The problem is that it is processed and high in fat, especially at the fast food chains. However, you can make a difference in yourself even if it means you cut meat and dairy out of your diet 1 to 2 days a week. Even a small change like that can make a big difference. When it comes to being a dancer, our body is our instrument. We have to fill it with healthy nutricious foods to keep it running as long as possible. Becoming vegan has made a positive change in my life and my dance life. Dancers can be vegan! :)

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